
Recommended Alaska Hunting Equipment and Supplies

Please purchase top quality gear for your Alaska hunt, often it can be your choice of equipment that can make for a comfortable dry experience or a not so great time.  The below gear lists have been field tested by us and we have found them to work well. Please use your better judgement when choosing gear and equipment and buy the best you can afford. If you need any assistance please don’t hesitate to ask, Thank you!

  • For sheep hunts: Every ounce counts! Keep it light!
  • Get in shape before your hunt! Come in the best physical shape as possible. Train as if the success of your hunt depends on it.
  • Break those leather boots in long before you get here. Many Alaskan sheep hunters have ended their hunts because of shredded feet. Don’t let this happen to you!
  • Hit the range well in advance of coming on this hunt! You may only get one shot at the trophy of a lifetime. Make it count!